Sunday, September 09, 2007

Another Highlander Travesty - Psych

Psych is a funny show on USA. It's definitely a lightweight, but it consistently makes me laugh.

It superficially offended me this week.

I wasn't offended by the "This blows with a capital c", line. Nor was I offended by the many jokes focused on grown men hanging out at the monkey bars. No, my skin is thicker than that.

In principle, I wasn't offended by the Christopher Lambert impression. But, truth be told, I was offended (superficially) by what he said in the voice of Lambert: "There can only be one".

There can only be one? How can you pay homage to a movie such as Highlander and screw up the fundamental line that defines 90% of the plot?

I spent a good amount of time documenting my thoughts on the Highlander legacy. Then, just a few days later by great coincidence the same movie is commented on by Psych. They couldn't take a few minutes to either lookup the line or watch the movie? No one involved with the shoot recognized the line was wrong?

Obviously, the line is "There can be only one". Not, "There can only be one".

Fortunately, Psych is just a TV show that provides mindless entertainment. Now that I've documented by brief lasting offence, I can move on.

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