Thursday, February 14, 2008

Leia's inappopriate noises

We have a dog name Leia. Gina tries to deny that she was named after a character in a famous science fiction saga, but how many other Leia's have you heard of?

There's no delicate way to say this, so I'll get right to it. Leia has recently become a farter. I don't know if that's normal in the canine world or not, and normally I wouldn't be interested. Its well known that all animals fart; from the majestic armadillo all the way down to the carnivorous palm tree. Its just what animals do. God not only grants them the freedom to fart, but he expects them to. He encourages it. Its his way of saying "be free my child, be free.".

Actually, I just made most of that up as I often do. I am not privy to the opinions of the big g. I can only make logical assumptions based on personal observations and, to be honest, experience.

But that's really all out of scope of what I'm trying to express. The point of this is not how Leia farts, but how she reacts to it. She'll lie on the tile, comfortable while pondering complex issues of her day. "Should I drink water, then clean myself in public, or smell that dog's butt then bark at the wind? When are those stupid humans going to bed? I'd really like to pee in the hallway." Then, the silence is broken by a sound reminiscent of someone twisting a balloon in their hands. That's where normalcy ends. As soon as the fart induced squeak reaches the peak of its cresendo, she jumps up and panics. She tries to run, but her legs move too fast and she can't get traction. By the time she can get traction, she's not longer startled so she stops, then lies back down, perhaps to ponder the experience.

She does this everytime. Its as if she can't relate the loud noise bouncing off the walls with the odd vibrating sensation emerging from beneath her tail. She reflexively panics every time.

One one hand, I laugh, for I am human and humans are fundamentally flawed. On the other hand, I'm sympathetic. I want to protect her from the big-bad-fart. But how can I protect her from that of which I can't protect myself?


Mike said...

Any chance you could post video of this tragic event?

Jay Allard said...

That would be tricky. She does't do it on a timetable. It would probably be worth the wait, though.

Leia said...

Can I just say that my married name is Leia Allard....and this whole story is just grossing me out...

Jay Allard said...

I didn't see this comment before tonight.

I don't know if you were kidding or not, but I'm sorry if it grossed you out. It was just supposed to be funny. I'm was hoping that the potty humor would be offset by the big sentences and old words.

Its nice to know there's another Leia out there, with my own last name as luck would have it.

Congratulations on the baby.