Friday, January 08, 2010

FTG Update #2


I had a late night tonight, but didn’t want to go to be without at least writing (or attempting to write) something. Now it’s 2am, and I’m going to regret this in the morning.

I previously said that the prologue would be renamed to chapter 1, and if I ended up with a prologue, I didn’t know what it would be.

My intent tonight was to work on Chapter 1 part 2. As I started writing it, I had to fill in a bunch of back story. But, the back story needed more attention than a cursory overview in an unrelated chapter. So, I pulled it out of the chapter and started a new prologue.

I got a couple paragraphs into it, and hated it. I was doing it narratively. First, it wasn’t fun to write or read. Second, it was coming off as serious science fiction rather than comedic. I didn’t see any way to lighten it up in that format. (Actually, there were a few things I could’ve done to lighten it up, but it would’ve required techniques that I’d like to think I’ve matured beyond.)

So, I started over and found a great opportunity. The story takes place in the future, but its origins are close to the present (I settled on 2030). I never intended to directly cover the present in any detail, at least not yet, but I found that by introducing the historical characters directly, it became fun again.

“Adler Enterprises” (more below) is the name of a massive corporation in the future. It pretty much owns and runs everything, but it’s not evil like skynet. Adler enterprises was formed by two brothers in the present. I never intended to say more than that about it. But, in the new prologue, we meet those characters and see how the company came to be. 4 hours ago I didn’t even know the brothers names. Nor did I know that they had an intern who also contributed.

Quite unexpectedly, the prologue is to become a full blown origin story. This is more story than I planned on. Also, there’s no mention of this on my supposed “outline” that I’m supposed to be working from.

Currently, I expect the prologue to have 3 parts, which almost definitely means it will have more or less than 3 parts. Conclusion of that will eliminate the need for elaborate recaps or explanations in Chapter 1 Section 2, and I can get back to that.

I really enjoyed writing it, but not reading it. It needs a lot of work, but I have established the characters and what they need to do. Also, I think it’s pretty funny, but I already mentioned that it’s 2am, so I could be wrong about that. We’ll see tomorrow.

ADLER ENTERPRISES: In the original book, I used “AllardWorks Enterprises” as the company name. This time, I’m keeping my name out of it for prosperity sake. I needed a new name.

A couple months ago, I said something that was quoted and included in a slide show for a presentation at my job’s quarterly meeting. Whoever created the slide spelled my name wrong. They spelled it ADLER. So, the first time I get my name in lights, it’s spelled wrong. Good times. Using ADLER as the new fictional company name is my little inside joke.

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