Monday, October 22, 2007

RedSox followup

When we last discussed the Red Sox situation, I expressed a disinterest in a certain ALCS game #3. As predicted, the Sox went on to lose that game. As declared, my conscience is clear. It would have been nice to see the back-to back-to back homeruns, but not that nice.

Since then, the Red Sox have won 3 in a row. I watched all three games. If they fell behind by 6 runs again, I probably would have shut it off again, but that didn't happen.

So last night they went the distance. They once again came from behind and won the pennant. It was as dramatic as 2004 (0-3 as opposed to 1-3), but it was still good.

Now on to the world series. Coincidentally, i'm going to be in Colorado next week. I don't know where Steamboat is relative to wherever the Rockies play, but it might be worth an excursion.

Go Sox.

And, let us not forget: Go Pats.

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