Thursday, January 10, 2008

Blog readers? / New Side Project

It has come to my attention that there are actually people out there who read this blog. They are an elite few. Vadim said he found it by searching for something else altogether. Interesting.

Anyhoo, some people left comments and I have not, to this point, acknowledged them. That's primarily because I didn't see them, and I didn't receive email notifications. Notifications were sent, but I didn't get them because of my spam blocker. That's been resolved.

So, comment away.

Speaking of comments, Chris has requested a DvdFriend feature that would allow him to respond to people's reviews. Neutral and negative comments about certain comic based movies inspire him to educate non-believers in the errors of their ways. In the old site, you could leave comments. On the new one, you cannot, but I'll get there. Its a good suggestion. He also mentioned how he has his blockbuster and facebook linked together, and he'd like to do something similar with DvdFriend. I didn't completely follow because I was thinking about a cheeseburger, but I'll follow up. It sounded like an interesting idea. However, a cheeseburger was more important at that particular moment.

On Monday, I had a meeting that secured a side project. As usual, the hobby site will take a back seat to actual work. The upcoming project is pretty big, though I hope I can still pick away at DvdFriend. It really needs a CREATE PROFILE page, but I'm bored to death with doing those. When I need a break from the other thing, maybe I can commit to doing that. (Maybe commit? That sounds like a non-commitment)

The side project is an update to a system I originally built 6 years ago. Since then, I've been occasionaly recruited to add new features. (Those who know me know the project I speak of)
Over the last couple days, I've been working on setting up a development vm including:
- vb 6.0 (for the vb stuff)
- vs 2005 (for the .net 1.1 stuff)
- vs 2008 (for the .net 2.0 and, possibly 3.0 stuff if the project requires new code)
- Sql 2005. This was supposed to be sql 2000, but the install keeps hanging and I can't connect. The application is a SQL 2000 application, so I'll just lower the db compatability, assuming that the 2005 install works)
It started off as an asp/vb COM+ app, but has evolved over the years. Each time somethine new comes out, I use it for new development. The new project involves changes to the foundation of the app, so I will most likely be coding in asp and vb.

That's about it.

So the DVDFriend community is now active with three people. World dominations starts with three people, so we're on the right track.


Anonymous said...

Jay, what the hell does it mean?

Leave comments and suggestions but I'm going to be too busy to read them because I'm going to work on the side project. :)

In case you read this.
Could you please add a link to your blog from the home page. If you are too busy, I can do it for you as a side project of course.

Anonymous said...

I am glad you updated the comment system on your blog! can't you simply steal the functionality for your site?