Friday, May 14, 2010

Tv Update

Aint it Cool news is reporting some updates to the tv schedule.

ABC Cancels Flash Forward, Scrubs, Better Off Ted, and Romantically Challenged. They renewed V.

I would’ve dropped V and kept Flash Forward.

I’m sorry to see Scrubs go, but I understand.

Better off Ted is a shame. It’s a very funny unique show. I mourn it’s loss.

Despite Alyssa Milano in the lead role, I’ve never watched Romantically Challenged. The title is enough to keep me away.

Chuck is Renewed

This is the important one. Now that Chuck is renewed, it doesn’t matter what happens to any other show.

It’s only 13 episodes…. I don’t know if that’s how it usually works or not. Maybe they order the second 1/2 later? Regardless, 13 is a good start.

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